Open today 10:00-17:00
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Closed from Monday, 3 March to Thursday, 13 March due to floor varnishing. Instead, visit Gæstgivergården which offers a selection of cakes & coffee, hot chocolate, and tea is available.

Classic cream cakes from the 1970s

Visit the café in the 1974 neighbourhood, and enjoy coffee and cake in the beautiful original interior of Café Bonnich, which was originally located in Aabenraa in southern Jutland.

The café sells a selection of traditional pastry cream cakes – or how about Bonnich Petersen’s famous beehives with a cup of freshly brewed coffee or tea? All the cakes are produced by Den Gamle By’s own pastry cook according to historical recipes.

Take the cakes home with you, or enjoy them with a cup of hot chocolate in the atmospheric coffee shop.

Opening hours

Opens at 10 am every day. 

Please note that Café Bonnich will be closed from 3 – 16 March due to floor varnishing.

Historien bag konditoriet

Café Bonnich har gennem flere generationer været et samlingssted i Aabenraa. Også i resten af Sønderjylland og ikke mindst syd for grænsen var konditoriet berømt.

Konditoriet Café Bonnich blev indrettet i 1922 som de moderne udenlandske wienercafeer. Inventaret er skabt i tidens nyklassicistiske mode med forenklede former og lyse farver og med elementer fra antikkens verden.

Konditoriet er genåbnet i Den Gamle Bys 1974-kvarter. Selvom Café Bonnichs serveringslokale blev skabt i 1922, fandtes det stadig næsten uændret i 1974.