1974 apartments
Explore Danish 70s homes – visit the commune, the nuclear family and the hippie parents.
Taste of the 70s
Enjoy a shrimp cocktail, lemon mousse or open-faced sandwiches at Restaurant Gæstgivergården. Pick up a hot dog, Jolly Cola or a Cocio from the Hot Dog Stand. Or treat yourself to a traditional pastry cream cake and coffee/tea/hot chocolate at Café Bonnich.
Meet the 1974 residents
Talk to the postman, the Wolkswagen driver and the 70s kids singing protest songs in the 1974 neighbourhood.
70s rock in the streets
Experience the Dylan Duo performing well-known numbers from the 70s.
Do-it-yourself in the CreativiTent
Explore 1970s creativity and DIY with recycled and cheap materials the way it was done back then.
70s shops
Explore the butcher’s shop, the Embroidery Shop, the Florist and Poul's Radio.
Mopeds and vintage cars
Immerse yourself in the smells and sounds of old mopeds as they drive around on the streets. Don’t miss the beautiful retro models from the Vintage Car Guild.
Go for a ride in a VW Beetle
Take a ride in one of the most popular car models of the 1970s, and experience the special sound of the boxer engine (DKK 20/person).
Live music at the Bent J Jazz Bar
Enjoy live jazz music and buy yourself a classic "Aarhus set" (a Ceres beer and an Arnbitter) at the legendary Aarhus bar Bent J.
Step inside Boutique elle
Check out the boutique inspired by The Beatles' Yellow Submarine and buy one of the popular 'granddad shirts' or purple nappies.
Backyards in the 1974 neighbourhood
Visit the backyard workshops – explore the Bicycle and Moped Workshop, the Carpenter’s Workshop and the Plumber’s Workshop.
Meet the sharpener
Bring your own knives and have them sharpened by the sharpener. DKK 45,- per knife, DKK 60,- for bread knives.